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Official Monster Truck 2K19 Thread

Nick Migues

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Unfortunately with Bear Foot it looks like the stripe doesn't continue onto the hood.  Still an extremely beautiful version of the truck though.  Hopefully Phelps can step up their game and get these trucks into some bigger promotions.

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good junk cars are hard to come by, these unibody POS last maybe a hit or two before becoming a pancake, then you have to pay to get them brought in, prepped and removed. Not to mention BKT's still seem to want to deflate at any chance they get. Dirt is ultimately more consistent for the drivers which in theory means a better quality show. 


Stomper with a new wrap
Straight Up Racing rebodied Beast Mode to reflect their partnership with Honda 

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Instagram is throwing exactly the kind of hissy fit I expected but I honestly couldn’t be more indifferent about the cars if I tried to be. They contribute nothing to the entertainment value of a show and in arenas it’s honestly frustrating watching the track crew waste time bringing them on and off the floor multiple times throughout an event.  

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5 hours ago, litl_e_fan said:

Instagram is throwing exactly the kind of hissy fit I expected but I honestly couldn’t be more indifferent about the cars if I tried to be. They contribute nothing to the entertainment value of a show and in arenas it’s honestly frustrating watching the track crew waste time bringing them on and off the floor multiple times throughout an event.  

They do contribute to the entertainment value of a show, but not for you. I don't think the spectacle of a truck destroying something is lost on most of the fans in attendance. That being said, "free-standing" cars have been antiquated for at least 15 years now. Even back when there were still some steel-bodied cars around, they were flattened halfway through the show.

Kozak is right in that modern cars are worthless against a monster truck if they are to act as any kind of obstacle. Part of why most promotions give them a dirt base to sit on or place them on top of tires. My idea for Monster Jam is to place them on top of the jumps so they can get destroyed, like you would see in the late 2000's, but don't take anything away from the jump itself once they're crushed. That being said, I also saw a video yesterday of Avenger landing on two "free-standing" cars and popping two tires in the process, so it seems BKT's have a hard time doing any crushing of that sort. Cars are still expensive and tough to bring in and out, but it's not like they're  using two dozen cars per track like the were a decade ago.The pre-crushed cars that they put in the jumps now are nice decoration, but not using them wouldn't make much of a difference. It's kind of a rock-and-a-hard-place scenario.

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