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Official Monster Truck "Silly Season" 2K16 Thread

Nick Migues

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Amazing night in St louis. Racing was awesome monster energy was fast. Junk yard dog and overkill both flipped in the same race. Tom broke his drive shaft twice in Racing. Monster energy won racing after beating hooked. Donuts were lame every one flipped. Freestyle was awesome the judges sucked bad tho. One of them have king krunch a one even tho he filled time. Overkill killed it Becky killed it, Chad was awesome Adam was awesome so was Steve Sims,Steve sims jr,jim,and damond, but tom meents burn it down. He had the biggest air just all out great run. It was also nice seeing the driver of snake bite there. Overall great show but the judges sucked.

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I disagree, the one was a bit of a stretch but King Krunch was very subpar for filling the clock, the only one who got screwed was Pirate's Curse who basically filled the clock but got shut off for a few minutes halfway through and got way underscored because of his momentum being lost, otherwise the judges nailed it

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So my cousin went to New Orleans yesterday, and it was a good show. But racing was fu&#ed up so badly. The track officials put sand into the final turns and most of the truck either went on two wheels or they flipped. Freestyle was by far the best one yet! Had amazing air, some saves here and there, and the night was filled with backflips. Overall, it was a great show, and only 2 people were murdered after the show, so yeah, I'm either glad or furious I didn't go. Mostly glad. Plus, since I'm moving to Texas next year, I should be going to the Texas shows, so it should be nice.

EDIT: Doomsday won racing, a guy posted and said Dan Evans was putting the black firesuit on and was entering the truck. They had no interview with the winner, he just grabbed the trophy and went into the pits as fast as he could.

Scott Buetow won freestyle with an awesome run with 2 backflips, the judges for FS this year were a lot better than last years, the gave Charlie Pauken a good score, but his run was no where near what Scott's run was, even though Charlie did a backflip in Bonus.

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6 minutes ago, NavySonicShell said:

You know that sand's purpose is to prevent that? Like, just like when they put loads of sand down in Atlanta to counteract the super tacky dirt?

Well, my cousin told me the trucks were being very careful in those turns after qualifying, cause all of them either went on two wheels or they flipped. I wasn't there, this is just him talking. But I think from other people's prospectives, they were saying the same thing. I'm a little surprised they put sands in the turns, but then again, New Orleans dirt is so tacky that it's almost impossible for the drivers to make a clean race.

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On 21/02/2016 at 9:50 PM, John Dough said:

I disagree, the one was a bit of a stretch but King Krunch was very subpar for filling the clock, the only one who got screwed was Pirate's Curse who basically filled the clock but got shut off for a few minutes halfway through and got way underscored because of his momentum being lost, otherwise the judges nailed it

Agreed that Steven got underscored but just a tidbit on King Krunch (hopefully without coming across as an excuse), David Smith is using a new set of Overtime shocks on the truck and what was told to me from someone who talked to Mike Wine (crew chief for David) and David is that they are having a hell of a time setting them up. Overtime has basically shrugged their shoulders with the only help being "try them and let us know so we can kind of point you in the right direction and have even enlisted the help of the Digger team (my understanding is King Krunch is tagging along in the hauler) to try and get them working properly. A bit silly to try untested components but I can atleast understand why he was underwhelming. 

On 21/02/2016 at 9:14 AM, Hagan Moskau said:

Doomsday won racing, a guy posted and said Dan Evans was putting the black firesuit on and was entering the truck. They had no interview with the winner, he just grabbed the trophy and went into the pits as fast as he could.

I have a hard time believing Dan did a backflip (not saying what you read is untrue but after watching some youtube videos it did not look like Dan driving).

18 hours ago, NavySonicShell said:

You know that sand's purpose is to prevent that? Like, just like when they put loads of sand down in Atlanta to counteract the super tacky dirt?

In theory the application makes sense but you realize that once the sand spreads around on the dirt it is completely pointless? Unless the material is constant (either dirt or sand completely) it is a waste because you still have to transition between the two which tends to be more difficult then if it was just super loose or tacky. 

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