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Everything posted by monsterjam16'

  1. Awesome truck man!! The amount of detail is amazing. Keep up the great work!
  2. Instead of something being "meh" and releasing it , I recommend working on it to be the best it can be. Releasing a fully finished product will gain a lot more for you than that average project. It may take longer but it is sure worth the work. Just my two cents.
  3. Ok, so no one has downloaded it because it hasn't been released (rockgodds mulisha) therefore no one knows if there are texture or mesh issues. Everyone's version of the software is different so what work on his might or might not work on yours. Just be patient and check it out when it is up for download, then you can see what needs a be fixed (if anything)
  4. looks pretty good. The blue is supposed to be darker (shown below), but the blue (flames) behind the Lucas crusader logo on the back, I think, should be a lighter blue
  5. A super car show back in early June. In the Wells Fargo center parking lot
  6. @bkelly The last one is the stone crusher body for reference
  7. Might just be the picture quality but the bodies, especially wf 18, look very grainy and not well put on. There's a lot of sharp white corners with the lettering. Improving the quality of the decals themselves would also help, such as hand painting . Other than that, great work so far
  8. There is a jump next to the bus stack facing us rather than that long strip of a steep hill
  9. whats the purpose of the vehicle that has a pitched inner camera if your going to change the camera anyway? Or even spawning a vehicle like that?
  10. Looking good! Like someone said previously, the small MJ logo in the back is the grey version , not yellow. Also i believe Coty has more silver headers rather than a grey ish like you have on there now
  11. CVH, John Zimmer, Chad Tingler, and colton drove it at one point
  12. Looking good, alot of prop placement is needed for big kahuna, and the tiki head looks somewhat smooshed to one side it also needs new headers, swaybars, and shocks
  13. No worries, just had to see how the body looked then im gonna make my own chassis
  14. This thing is a LONG way from being close to finished but here is the beta of my new custom
  15. check in any other vehicles you have, it will most likely be in older trucks since we dont use them anymore
  16. Purple flames need to be thicker like in the photo from @steiale
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