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Danny Werewolf

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Everything posted by Danny Werewolf

  1. Okay...I’m just going to facepalm...and say Roblox isn’t the worst thing in the world (If you count it as a money hungry time waster) but...it’s pretty flipping stupid to ask a community like this about it...Discord dms exist, hell, freaking PM’s exist on the site...and, guess what? You’re asking about Roblox on a mainly ROR forum, when you should be asking on Roblox...
  2. Breakable Brutus comes white body/chassis with no rims. The normal version is perfect btw. Nice truck!
  3. I knew that for a while now, I just brainfarted the 4 times I tried changing trucks, simply forgot I was online...heh...
  4. I'm about to go insane...fantastic, all I can say... I was playing the game online, and the game kept crashing when I removed trucks...if anyone saw that, my bad...
  5. The mod isn't too bad I suppose, but every time I play with it, all I feel is that you changed out the bodies .mesh in the .truck file. But that's just me, hoping there is a lot more...
  6. It the stuff needed actually in the pack itself? because that would help with the...lack of parts as said.
  7. I'm surprised nobody has talked about the working spinners. Its awesome! Great truck either way.
  8. For me, the BKT's on the Overbored appear totally black with the front right and rear left tires. I don't know why its happening...
  9. Do you know how to make it .39 compatible?
  11. Awesome! I can see whoever drove(?) raced GD, cool... Just loaded it ingame, did you ask for the setup to be the same as the real version?
  12. Wait, you made this truck in real life?
  13. *Facepalm* Everything about this Is a no-brainer, especially the lack of credit and re-uploading...Make sure you do take this down...
  14. YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES YAAAAAAY Also, 2011 version tires appear white on 0.4.6, but I looked in the file and saw all the .png's I believe for the tire sooooo.
  15. The only thing on 0.4.6 that doesn't work are the tire textures and shocks. The Ukraines are white, including the shocks, but I don't know what truck uses that, so I can't fix them for myself. You may want to make sure that is in the folder.
  16. I'm not a fan of this sport, but Capt. Jeff Kuss seems like a great guy. Its awesome that this happened for you. Prayers go to his family. (oh btw great truck and paint)
  17. Uhh...I really don't know how to import files from blender, but since you are able to work in blender, it seems, you may want to search up videos on how to do so, and maybe look at other .truck files, for help.
  18. Uhh...I don't see any truck file in there...and I'm pretty sure the game can't read .blend files...and It doesn't appear ingame, so the missing .truck file is true...Are you sure you uploaded this correctly, or if it even works?
  19. Oh, so this is why I should take the left at Albuquerque. Great map!
  20. Great truck, the paint looks great, I don't think the flag is that bad, its just a bit tall is all.
  21. Download both, its 2013 and 2012
  22. I mean, I don't think you'd want 10 track requests a day. That'd be...pretty annoying... Opsitties, take your time with your mods.
  23. Also, I don't think the swaybars are in the right place.
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