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Everything posted by Ten

    I dig it! The only feedback I honestly have aside from my usual "bleh no body mounts" bs is that the Cheetah body for Sting should be significantly shorter in the back. It was supposed to be a tiny thing when the cheetah was originally designed for Hitman, and they only lengthened it when they reused it for Spider-Man. Otherwise, nicely done as always! Keep making the good stuff lol
  1. Ready for the Star Spangled Spectacular >:) see you there, comrades
  2. Tenacity Bethke North Country Bandit Discord: Tenacity (She/Her)#1312 Theme song: https://youtu.be/JukTvlrh-Wk Link to truck: will be dmed
    truck's pretty fun to drive, and the paints for both are killer. my only issue is that it handles almost a bit too well, needs to hike up more on takeoff. Also I know I've been on your ass about this before, but the chassis needs the rear braces over the shocks. Well done otherwise, it's nice to finally have a decent version of Power forward in ROR.
  3. Ngage and Hotwheels are on inaccurate chassis. learn chassis types before you start building please for chrissake.
    now everyone can go Larry Jaruzel mode
  4. and it's dookie. He's talking about another project you absolute dork.
  5. That’s because it’s ancient and doesn’t work with the modern game. Download Sweg’s version instead.
  6. Was waiting to post this until the fate of @KillSwitchwas revealed. Buuut yeah. Mopar or NoCar baby. Still needs some work done, including properly editing the front swaybars so that they function, and recoloring the engine.
  7. WIP using a Mopar Magic I asked @KillSwitchto make for me for a tour, and Mike Bev's Little Tiger paint. Based off of Stimson's The Ripper.
  8. Ten

    RORMJL Season Five

    Name: Cora Solera Truck: Rottweiler Allen Discord: Cora (She/Her)#1312
  9. Ten

    RORMJL Season Five

    Name: Cora Solera Truck: Max-D Fire Backup Truck Choice 1: Avenger Backup Truck Choice 2: Monster Mutt (King) Discord: Cora (She/Her)#1312
  10. Ten

    FBS-NEO: Sign-Ups

    Name: Cora Solera Truck: North Country Bandit Truck Link: DM Discord: Cora (She/Her)#1312
  11. Name: Cora Solera Truck: North Country Bandit Truck Link: DM Discord: Cora (She/Her)#1312
  12. 1. Sign Up format is: Name: Cora Solera Truck: Grave Digger The Legend Link: Coming Soon Discord: Cora (She/Her)#1312
  13. Modern MTT show made using a bunch of breakables and crush cars, on Texas Monster Shootout 2010 (with new obstacles added to make it actually interesting lol). The lineup is: Jester, Kraken, Rage, Avenger, Aftershock, Krazy Train, Rat Nasty, Gunslinger, Rap Attack, Bigfoot, Heavy Hitter, and Jus Get Er Done II
  14. King Krunch and NCB are the projects in this photo lol.
  15. Some league trucks I've run, past and present: Inferno (FRA?), North Country Bandit, (HSL and FBS), Wrecking Crew 2018 (MTRA), and King Krunch 2021 (WIP, no league for it yet. Maybe RORMJL?)
  16. yeah these were ripped from steel titans 2 lol
  17. Wasn't expecting to double post today, but Bryant make a killer paint for NCB for Autism Acceptance Month, sponsored by the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network for a league we're in, and I just had to share it. Might find a way to add spec/shine to the flames t make them pop more, but yeah, this rocks and will be included in the 2021 update for North Country Bandit 5.
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