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Mark Iron

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Everything posted by Mark Iron

  1. Hate to ask this, but is this pack fixed? They are still not showing up in game for me sadly.
  2. For some reason, only the stunt truck in the pack is working for me.
  3. One suggestion, I do believe they painted the grain smokebox area on Krazy Train black for this winter season. As seen by this picture: Otherwise, they look good so far.
  4. I was more annoyed it was in bonus time. Easily one of the moves of the weekend and as I told Adam during the post show autograph session, easily one of the early candidates for arena wow moment of the year.
  5. One question. Do you have plans to do a normal version of 25 and 31? Black and green paint of course I mean.
  6. (photo credit Lenny Kuilder's Facebook) Instigator has an updated paint scheme.
  7. You have no idea how much I've wanted someone to make a simple exhibition 80s track Diggerfan. It looks awesome....trucks don't look too bad either
  8. Technically it's not new per say. That's the old chassis just heavily rebuilt.
  9. The download link for the newest ror version isn't working
  10. It's saying it's missing a skybox thing on my end.
  11. I tried your technique and it did not work for me. Any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong?
  12. I am having the same issue on the Black and green version. Along with the starter texture issues.
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