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Show Your Projects Chapter 31


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started as a mopar muscle chassis and i moved and added stuff from the scrap yard and other trucks this is whats done so far i still have a bit to do and yes the paint sucks still new to all the modding stuff i don't even know if i posted the picture right

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So...um this is still a W.I.P alot of work still needs to be done especially the flame things around the logo but heres this so far 

Thanks to Dalton Widner for the chassis



Photocrops are bad and you should feel bad


Use that image to vector the paint, not slap it on the side of the truck and pack in

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So...um this is still a W.I.P alot of work still needs to be done especially the flame things around the logo but heres this so far 

Thanks to Dalton Widner for the chassis


Yeah that skin is bang ding ouch. If you are going to photo crop it you might want to find a better picture.

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Thank you DF. She looks great. Not sure if its 100% done, but your missing the No Lawsuit stickers Scott put on the chassis following the BF8 fiasco. Kozak you can stfu, you Scott Stephens hating mouth breather :P You think you could send me that body DF? I have a semi-rep of Scott's TORP chassis and might take a stab at the first rendition of the flag truck. Would love your help on this one. Kozak, Your help would be appreciated as well since my/our chassis has a different cage on it from the actual chassis. contact me on Skype/aim/here if yall are interested.


Dennis Taft don't know bout my prt scr...

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most of that's pretty good, but there's a few issues with it.


Firstly, poly distribution is wonky






The windows have three edgeloops to fill an inch, and the goatee has three edge loops around the top for a surface three feet long.


Also there's some real cleanliness problems too.




You're gonna want to religiously keep it down to quads. On a realtime model fill triangles are fine so long as they're filling in details within what would've been a quad. But on a subsurf model? nope. unless you absolutely cannot do a thing without quads, always find the workaround that keeps your model as close to a perfect grid as you can.


Other than that, the only real problem area is around the eyes, horns and nose


Compare this to the next image






That whole area is completely inaccurate, but not beyond mending. There's a shape you missed top down on the horns. See there's the ridge along the bottom, the roundy bulge that bridges the difference. From the top down they're flowy, on yours they don't move at all. Ditto for the hair. On the real body it's 3d, but that could probably be left for normals if you want. As for the eyes and such, they're pretty simple to get down if you lay a shape out like the bodge job paintover i did there. To make a subsurfed model to create sharp and small shapes like that, there's an option in the transform leaf called Crease, 1 is 90 degrees based around the base edgeloop, 0 is how it is by default. Also if you don't mind cleaning up the model a bit before you stick it ingame, some 'control' loops added with control R and/or edge slide, that's another way to refine the shape with fidelity.




Also, when using edgesplit, never go by angle unless you're just using it as placeholder, but always go about marking edges as sharp as you go, because doing it all at the end is just annoying and i find i'll miss stuff if i try to do it all at once. And refine your mesh as you go as well. A drawing's lines has to look good from one angle, a 3d model has to look good from six sides. So to top ortho, side ortho, front and back ortho, and tweak your wire so that every edgeloop is a nice flowy shape from all angles. What may look great from one side is iffy from another. But, make it look good from both sides, and it'll be better from all sides. So hey, the little things.


But yeah, i only really go into really detailed nitpicks when something's on the verge of being good, so you'll get there. You're learning faster than i did.


Also, would you happen to have any good orthos of the thing i could nick? Not to occlude the version you made, it's just a bit of a challenge and i want to meet it

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