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Show Your Projects Chapter 39

Double.D ッ

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I'm finally back from my vacation in the Banhamas and I've got a couple of projects to show!


Not much is done on this one other than what can be see in this picture (opposite side isn't even painted). Also notice that the BKT's have once again been updated.


Soldier Fortune is pretty much done, and yes I'm aware that the headers are the wrong color, I just threw the body on a preexisting chassis mesh to show it off.


Here's one that still has a ways to go (ignore the flames by the windshield). I'm probably gonna end up redoing the flames. But hey, at least Harlow's body's finally being put to use...


Now for something a little different. No, I'm still not making tracks, but I figured I'd take a shot at making a stadium...


And lastly, here's something very different. I haven't seen anyone try to make engine sounds in a while, so I decided to try to make some of my own.

You should put some runescape R34 in that stadium.

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Final Update to the MROR Metal Mulisha. I darkened the Grill a little more and I made sure the truck doesn't shine to the point where you can't see the truck at all. I can't wait to use this truck for getting a win for Team CAR.


I made a new Logo for Team CAR, for the World Finals.

Excellent work on Metal Mulisha and GOD DO I LOVE THAT TEAM CAR LOGO!!!

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While I was gone on vacation actually getting a tan. I happened to make this, still needs to be chromed up, givin new rims, and lexan textured right but other than that, I present the Florida Gators Monster Truck (Not actually sponsered by UF)


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Dude, I cannot read a word of that logo. For the love of Jim Belushi, PLEASE add some white outlines or something to the words to make it legible.


Not only that, but it doesn't really accomplish being a logo all that well. The point of a logo is to be simple, recognizable, and easy to understand. This will allow people to recognize it easily, and remember it. Let me use some examples to show what I mean.


This is Innovative Safety Products' (ISP) logo.




It's very simple and small despite portraying a large name. The ISP takes most of the image because it is what is the focus, the checkered flag helps add to an otherwise text-only image, while at the same time giving the viewer an idea of what type of products the company may sell, and the full name is displayed at the bottom so people are still aware of the full company name.


Another good example of a simple logo is Intel




It's recognizable to anyone who is slightly into computers due to the fact that it's simple, and has the company's name. It doesn't do anything to portray what the company does, but that isn't always necessary (think automotive logos). Stuff like this is important mainly because of marketing. It's the same reason they call it Max-D instead of Maximum Destruction now. 


If you look at the old logo, it's kind of large, but doesn't have anything to really grab your attention.




Compare it to the new logo which is still the same dimensions and whatnot, but it's more "marketable" due to the fact that it has "MAX-D" (a shorter name to write, as well as to say) as the large focus, it's easier to read, as well as easier to recognize. This, in turn, makes it easier to put on a T-Shirt or a hat or whatever. It even still has "MAXIMUM DESTRUCTION" written at the bottom, in a much easier to read font as well.




Sure it may not really matter since this is a game and there is no "marketing" but it's bugging me. The Team CAR logo is very complex, hard to read, and at first glance looks like a bunch of random colors pasted over polygons. 

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wtf i made an arena 0GfEzk2.pngfnmbniP.png


Its suppper rough right now, but the arena and track are 100% accurately scaled bc of my nigga devin hooking me up with some floor/arena plans. The jump pad thing isnt in the right place yet and the whole thing is really only 60% done. Still have a looooooot of work to do on it before it'll start to not look so rough.




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Which is sad considering that was now 2 years ago, and the latest version of a WF track we have is 3 years old.



Klayton isn't the only person here that can make World Finals tracks. Holding off making one just because he's been making one for 2 years isn't what should be done.

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