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Everything posted by JackMProductions

  1. Not to mention, they accused him of "slander" over something that was factual at the time and just criticism.
  2. Honestly you can't respect the developers after what happened with all their copyright take downs and the whole NerdCubed situation.
  3. Mr. rockgod88, tear down this wall.
  4. Decided to have a bit of an RC competition between 6 of my trucks yesterday. After the competition and some extra bashing...
  5. I wish the shows were less rushed and that the World Finals wasn't so dragged out. Backflips are so meh to me now and I don't think I've ever enjoyed them being brought into competition. I always felt they were too much of a fixed move and too predictable. I liked it better when tracks were more unique and unpredictable in their design, but that doesn't mean each track has to be vastly different from the others. That doesn't even mean they need to use cars again. Just make things a bit more unique. Using the So-Cal racing exclusively is fine with me. If there's any tracks that I have real criticism for, it's the World Finals tracks. Ever since moving it to two different days, it really has turned into two giant blobs of dirt with no real breathing room, in my opinion. As far as the evolution of monster trucks goes, I think 2000-2001 was a really important time with freestyle becoming a sanctioned part of the competition, so the trucks began evolving more in strength and safety, as well as an evolution of the courses and what was considered spectacular.
  6. Ah yes, the good old fashioned "save vs recovery" discussion. Knew I'd run into it when checking back here.
  7. Probably just for details. I don't think he's prejudiced but I got those vibes too
  8. I mean, there's no need to put yourself down too
  9. Somehow I knew STP would be in this and I'm definitely not upset.
  10. I still wish they varied courses more in terms of design. Obviously they do look very unorthodox but adding 45 degree angles of dirt to everything possible is only good for so long. Saves cost I assume rather than adding buses and vans, but sorta removes creativity and entertainment. Same with the colors. It's entirely possible to do creative stuff with just two colors. Also obstacle course was a great concept but in my mind it spoiled us a bit cause it generally used the freestyle jumps too much and kinda ruined a bit of the anticipation of them being hit. At least that's how I feel about it. We're kinda being spoiled.
  11. Not trying to politics in this thread, but the greatness of the comment comes from the fact that it was so random and pretty much an unintentional anti-joke.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofXXuU-5Odg
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