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Everything posted by RKM

  1. RKM

    Music thread

    Guess I'll be the weirdo to bring some things in other languages no one understands. Maybe you like, maybe not.
  2. Same. Burrito fight? I don't know what I'm doing or why I'm doing it. Please send help. no removse for file naem pls
  3. Not sure if mine were added previously or not but anything that is a logo contained inside this folder on my google drive was drawn by me.
  4. You're better off making your own than trying to fix poorly made models, that was a major issue with the first two to three truck packs. It's also illegal and it's been proven more times than necessary that the users of this site are far more capable of making quality content than the people they hire to make the official games. So to answer your question, yes it is possible but it's not worth doing for the reasons listed above. Everything else looks really good in here, even those Grave Diggers. (Wouldn't mind seeing you span out into other trucks of the same eras though )
  5. EDIT Seems blender isn't detecting that you have the Ogre scripts/plugins, make sure you have everything installed in the proper directories. This is the main one that you need to have and you will need to enable the option to show hidden files and folders in order to access it. C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\ogrepkg (The following can still be useful information) Not 100% sure but it looks like you need to specify the directory for the OgreXMLConverter.exe in blender. Click on preferences. Should be something like this, then click on Manual -> Select -> find the path for the OgreXMLConverter.exe (C:\Program Files\Rigs of Rods\OgreXMLConverter.exe) It will be in your main directory for Rigs of Rods. Once you find it and click on it to select it, press OK and you should be able to export Ogre.mesh files.
  6. It always does though as it usually coincides directly with the real Monster Jam schedule as far as activity goes but I will say even that seems to be of little help anymore. If you value your brain you should avoid a majority of the Facebook groups, it's mainly people that want to argue no matter what then block you/remove you so they can play superhero. The slow trickle of newcomers, especially in regards to content creation is something that every single person on this site has a stake in the blame game for. So ten people make a Grave Digger, who cares? Everyone on here does or they wouldn't be bitching about it all the time. Why not just be happy new people are trying to make something and try encouraging them to finish their current project and drop a subtle hint of a possible followup project? The reason everyone makes a Grave Digger is simply because it's easy due to the abundance of resources for doing so in comparison to other trucks. I stopped making content mainly because I lost interest after losing so many projects due to computer issues or hard drive failures but also because I simply couldn't make content of as equal quality to what was being made so I stuck to making improvements on things that were being overlooked for years like the gauges. I stopped posting what I made or was making because constantly having someone tell me it was terrible with zero constructive criticism to help me improve it got really fucking old fast. You don't have to like what someone is making but that's no reason to have ten project chapters bitching about it in the title and multiple posts. If you're so tired of it, shut up and make something because it really isn't that hard to get started compared to when this site first launched. I've enjoyed what this site has to offer and actually made some pretty cool friends because of it so it would be kind of sad if it died off but if things keep going as they are then that is inevitable conclusion we will come to. By the way this site has only been around since 2011.
  7. RKM

    Anime Thread

    Rather surprising we don't have one of these yet, stop hiding we all know. What did you watch recently, what are watching etc. that sort of thing. Don't post links to certain places however as that is still against the rules but there is nothing about sending them in other forms of communication. No spoilers though, nothing good will come of that and keep an open mind because it's healthy. I finished Assassination Classroom over the last 3 days. (Cold and rain, what else does one do?) Wasn't really sure what to expect but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  8. RKM

    Hockey Thread

    I don't mind the devils despite me being a fan of the Flyers and Sharks (I've been a fan of the sharks long before their playoff run last year so don't give me that crap). The only team I honestly tried to like and the fanbase pretty much ruined any chances of that happening are the Penguins but no means are they a terrible team either, I just don't like them. I'm not sure why you keep asking to have the thread closed, the season hasn't even started and hockey has always been the minority sport around here along with futbal compared to football, basketball, and baseball. No reason to give up on the thread so easily but I would advise against getting your hopes up of it being a very active thread. This is the most pages/people I've seen in a hockey thread on here. Not sure when it starts but usually we end up with some sort of fantasy hockey league usually through ESPN since it's the most simple one.
  9. If you're not making content for yourself first and foremost then you shouldn't be making it at all. The bits about having to be first dates all the way back to MTM2 and I'll never understand it, if 10 people want to make the same thing why not let them? They'll all be different and it's a part of learning to create better content as a whole. RoR has been slowly dying for awhile now but this site doesn't have to die too but it will if everyone keeps fighting over meaningless things. It doesn't just have to be a monster truck or RoR specific community. You'll never be able to please everyone so if you can't take any form of criticism whether it's warranted or not then you shouldn't be making content anywhere. You earn respect over time and you also lose it, I didn't see anyone be singled out but some of you always seem to think it applies to you when it doesn't. All of the useless arguments on here are why most of us rarely log in or don't even care if the game dies off completely anymore. TL;DR: If you like it then you shouldn't care what others think since you didn't make it for them anyway.
  10. Considering it's still an Early Access game I wouldn't get my hopes up for it. I know I can't run this game specifically but if you ever added in some other games I'd be interested. Also here's the store page for it. http://store.steampowered.com/app/228380/ Not to sort of steal your thread (which is basically what I'm doing ~<3) there are also plenty of other games that we could all race in such as rFactor. You could turn this and potentially others into a weekly or bi-weekly racing party with a different game each week for variety?
  11. If it's something barely visible 512x512 and lower works just fine, anything that you see promptly like the body most usually go with 2048x2048. The biggest with lag from textures is certain trucks that have every single texture being 2048x2048 or larger even if it's just a solid texture that could just the same be 1x1. So generally anymore you usually see 1-3 2048x2048 textures and everything else will be lower which helps with performance and file size.
  12. RKM


    If no one is able to find it I'll see if I can later but I would start with either of these, not sure if there is currently a version available for OS X however. https://sourceforge.net/projects/rigsofrods/files/rigsofrods/ https://github.com/RigsOfRods/rigs-of-rods/releases
  13. The main reason most leagues run on weekends is due in part that most of the people running any league either have school or a job if not both. There are other leagues and no one is stopping you from running one yourself, if you want to run in a league that it's guaranteed that you will be able to run at all times then you might as well run it yourself because that's the only way it's going to happen. Can't make an event? Oh well, get over it. It's happened to all of us whether it was intentional or not, not much use in complaining about something out of your control. Forgive me for saying this but if you're so concerned with running in a league then quit your job, but that doesn't make sense at all now does it? You have valid complaints but I feel like a lot of time no one wants to see things from both sides of the picture. As for saying you're not pointing fingers at anyone you're clearly doing just that by mentioning it here, anyone with half a brain already knows about the problems with SMRA which they're trying to fix, not to mention are largely a reason why we're even on a different version in the first place. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, nothing wrong with that and no one is going to give you a hard time for complaining about something that bothers you. As far as the SMRA thing goes perhaps a reset on the points that voids the first week. In the past we tried having 2 different leagues so people from other countries outside of North America could race which sort of worked but it didn't last very long. Most everything you can think of doing to get everyone to race in one league at a certain time has been tried, it just simply can't be done. I'd personally love it if we could all race together at a set time but it's been tried and what we have is really the best that it's likely going to get. Let's try and turn this into a discussion to try and actually improve something. TL;DR: If you don't like the league, don't participate in it.
  14. Honestly it's not a bad idea, a lot of what I think has been bothering Edy on here is one of the reasons I stopped posting in the projects threads since I got sick of a certain someone only ever wanting to give me a hard time that rarely offered anything useful but still excused as "constructive criticism" which it largely was not. I do however find it strange that a lot of you that have given Edy a hard time are the same ones who constantly state that it needs to stop yet the same ones saying it needs to stop are the main culprits causing the problem in the first place but they won't come out and tell you so they do it behind everyone's backs (you know exactly who you are). Best advice I can give you is work on your projects as you wish and as long as you're happy with how it turns out then try and ignore some of the other things, if you miss something and someone points it out don't worry about it, it happens to all of us. This game is supposed to be about all of us having fun and anymore it seems like an overly dramatic high school.
  15. It looks to be exactly that and considering the amount of times I've done that myself in the past it's honestly more worth to just use the wireframe as a loose base and completely rebuild it exactly how you want versus trying to make something with so many obvious problems manageable for the same amount of time and effort you will put into it. Sketchup models aren't all terrible but the amount of work you have to put into making them usable I never found worth it, they can be a great base to start with but I wouldn't recommend using it as your final model.
  16. These "people" you speak of were likely banned from the site years ago due to their poor behavior or inability to play with others and you're doing yourself a massive disservice by associating with them if I'm honest. If you want to be part of their group that's fine but if you don't think it will cause you problems just ask some others that eventually decided it wasn't worth it. As far as the rules goes I was the one that rewrote a lot of that years ago with the permission of Brian and Casey to try and make it easier to understand and lower the amount of content that had to be deleted or modified on a daily basis but as you can go and read for yourself they're outdated but almost no one on the site has even read them either so you can't put full blame on the staff. The way every mod and admin is on this site is ENTIRELY different compared to a personal private conversation but anyone with a grudge and the people that have a negative attitude towards any of them never learned from their previous warnings but refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions. The only people that really see or understand how much repetitive subjects appear on the site daily are the ones that take care of it in some form. If a thread was deleted there is a 99% chance an identical one already exists. 2) Absolutely true and even though a ridiculous amount of people still blame me for banning them while I was a member of the staff and no one can really deny abusing their powers although some were far worse with it than others. Anyone with a reasonable mindset to try and help people would always warn them first but there was (and maybe still is?) an issue where it doesn't actually send the receiving user a private message like it's supposed to. 3) #Obamacare 4) About $3.50 You ever heard of preventative measures? We used to stop arguments before they even happened by doing that but now they just spiral out of control until someone decides they've had enough and clean it up because everyone starts whining if their thread or post gets deleted. If it's deleted (or edited for that matter) there's always a valid reason for it. From a few moderators in the past that may have been an issue but it doesn't seem to be the case anymore since most of them removed even before I was. Unless you're referring to other sites with that statement you just admitted to breaking the rule of having multiple accounts. That's actually not the case at all, they're only going to be as nice to you as you are to them. Treat others how you want to be treated, can't really explain that one any simpler for you. My post is a nice example for you, just click the little + sign next to quote to compile a list of quotes which you can later reply to in one message. I constantly still get asked questions about the site, game and content despite having not been a mod for years now. If I don't respond or answer someone than it means I can not answer that question (like everyone that asks me why the site is down) or it has already been posted and explained better than I'd be able to.
  17. Hmmm, perhaps these two things are related...?
  18. You know you miss the immaturity this place used to have rampaging about every time a new post was made, don't lie.
  19. That's because in the description of the post that picture is actually from that's the truck's suspension at full travel, not how it normally sits.
  20. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/forum/65-requests/
  21. Raise the draw distance/visibility range to something over 300.
  22. I'm surprised something like that didn't happen sooner with how against new members everyone on their forum was ever since I first joined it. You can't really expect to have a long lasting community when they're main goal in almost every thread was to drive away any new members curious about learning and god forbid you tried to ask someone for help. Not saying SM is any better but at least some of us try to welcome to new members and gently push (or sometimes violently shove) them in the right direction for what they're looking for. I don't think RoR is going to actually die though... not just yet at least.
  23. By the way if you register your game to World of Trucks you can customize the license plate that's on your truck instead of having the one stuck in the windshield if you'd prefer.
  24. I see I'm the weird one that went the other way with the lights...
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