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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. Outlawed


    I do not make tracks so I personally cannot answer that. I just know from speaking with people that do, attempts to convert existing tracks have not worked.
  2. But the end of your whole deal came down to your opinion of first needing a track in 0.4.5, which you already covered in another thread. And there have been posts wanting an updated truck pack, but whenever there has been an attempt to get a group of people together it falls apart. Of course people want to move to the newest offering but they want it without having to be invested in it. "I think your all just too scared to do it." Trucks and tracks would have to be completely overhauled to work correctly in 0.4.5 (and not in a half ass just get them working for the sake of having them). Enough work that it would be ludicrous to expect one or even a couple of people to do it. The fact that you have not offered to help (or in the case of you not knowing how to, learn to help) facilitate the move leads me to believe that you have very little knowledge on the inner workings of ROR or if I am incorrect in that assumption you are wanting someone else to do it for you. I wish it was just that simple, I have been working (with help from a few others) for almost a year on making a proper monster truck for ROR starting from scratch and guess what? It still is not close to being done. Stuff just does not happen overnight, trial and error is a time intensive part of ROR.
  3. Necro post much? If you would have scrolled down 7 more posts you would have seen that computer was replaced.
  4. "Too scared to do it" huh? No offence but you are showing your clear lack of knowledge towards the subject. (Even further solidified by making two posts that boil down to you wanting a track in 0.4.5). Actions speak louder then words and unfortunately you are going to have to show some actual substance rather then enthusiasm.
  5. Outlawed


    There are no tracks because of the new terrain2 file system.
  6. The driver model is a static prop in the cab so the arms and hands are not going to move. You can search for the steering wheel model in the truck file (near the bottom and change the decimal numbers to move the steering wheel around but it is a major pain to position and you will be constantly relaunching the game to check to see if your changes made a difference.
  7. >>Almost 2016 >>still gets viruses >>still does not back up files At this point I am thinking it is intentional
  8. I really do not want to interrupt the festive spirit of the holidays but I am going Grinch mode and giving you a public warning that your future rehashing posts pertaining to already stated factual information that you choose to ignore either ironically or intentionally will be removed. Merry Christmas everyone!
  9. 2015 only consisted of Vegas since the closest show for me is a 16 hour drive to Vancouver. Met a bunch of people from on here and finally got to meet Dennis Anderson.
  10. Saigon has BKT's Also Cynthia's new chassis is a inhouse
  11. But your tracks were awful
  12. First if you had an issue with the truck you can either report it as broken or go to the support topic for said truck, you do not make a new thread in the request section. Two, you will stop spamming about a new Overkill being made or I will revoke your posting privileges for a bit seeing as you do not understand the difference between request and demanding.
  13. Just PM him next time rather then making 2 other threads, thanks.
  14. Well actually the truck was posted and the lineup but not the driver (though it was pretty obvious it was Lee's)
  15. Uh it had zoomies when Morgan ran it... Teaser for Big Kahuna's wrap
  16. Jared Eichelberger posted this photo, gen 1 CRD. more then likely Morgan's old truck.
  17. As per the picture mark posted, SUD #1 (new chassis is not even powdercoated yet.), GD31, GD32, GD26, GD25 and GD30 (this is based on facebook posts of drivers stating their truck is there and who will be present for the autographs). Also Identity Theft will be around still.
  18. You are a saint Mr Cannon.
  19. So this is the reason you have been MIA?
  20. I dunno, the straight up racing facebook page had the photos listed as "painting identity theft". Still pretty digger-esque
  21. I would be surprised if he did not switch from the escalade body. In other news Identity Theft is getting a new scheme
  22. Outlawed

    Hooked 2015

    node beam structure sucks which is why there is excessive body roll
  23. Do I need a computer to compete? Also, I recommend discord Dave, it is free and has all of the features that Teamspeak has plus it is hosted remotely without you needing to host a server.
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