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Show Your Projects Chapter 67


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I don't know if I'll ever release this pack at the rate I'm going. Anyway, I commit myself into driving Ice Breaker for RORSPS but realized pretty quickly that the truck drove like crap. The Bronco's drive pretty nice and my times were much better in them. So, Ice Breaker II is born! This time with 100% less Santa hats.


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3 minutes ago, RORmadness said:

So I was on a track and thought "I wish there was a moonwalk ramp on this track", so I took the raceway park ramps and modified the node. I then added 3 more ramps to this, would anyone want me to post these to the site? I've got a few bugs to work out but they all handle really nice and can spice up some of those more boring tracks.

(Container (not included in pack) has to be manually placed on step-up ramp to become a backflip ramp)








This is a must have. Looks good and it will make tracks better because you can place extra ramps.

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35 minutes ago, RORmadness said:

So I was on a track and thought "I wish there was a moonwalk ramp on this track", so I took the raceway park ramps and modified the node. I then added 3 more ramps to this, would anyone want me to post these to the site? I've got a few bugs to work out but they all handle really nice and can spice up some of those more boring tracks.

(Container (not included in pack) has to be manually placed on step-up ramp to become a backflip ramp)








can you also place crushables on the step-up?

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Probably way too early in the build process to be posting this in SYP, but i'm doing it anyway. Been a quick build so far, largely thanks to Diggerfan having the majority of the parts already built on at least one of his many leafers. Logo has been hardest part up to this point.


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do you guys like spaghetti i like spaghetti it is one of my favorite dishes i like my dads spaghetti the most maybe because i grew up on it whenever he makes it whenever i see it whenever i smell it i get excited i havent had many other peoples spaghetti but i must say my dads is the best in my opinion my grandmother makes good spaghetti whenever we go to cook outs spaghetti is one of my go tos along with a hotdog and a burger i dont like when the spaghetti sauce touches the bread and makes it all soggy though.

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