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World Finals XVI Discussion


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After looking at the lineup this year I have come to the conclusion 32 trucks isn't enough, but at the same time is to many trucks. With only 32 trucks drivers like Steven Sims, Pablo Huffaker, Dan Rodoni, Lupe Soza etc. don't get to compete. 32 trucks is to many because instead of the 16-20 best drivers, we get the likes of Nichole Johnson, Chad Forture, Frank Kremel, and the #moremonsterjam guys who haven't done a stadium show all season. Either increase the driver count to 40+ or drop it back down to where is started 16-20. Im not saying Chad, Frank, and the #moremonsterjam guys aren't good drivers, but they can't compete with Anderson, Meents, Weenk, Bradshaw, etc. So Feld should either include everybody or exclude all but the best. The point series was a good idea and with a few tweaks, like points for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place, could be the future of Monster Jam. 

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maybe one day JR and Becky will make it past the YGS..

If Becky ever makes the field before Coty by way of "invitation" I'm going to flip so many tables......

I dont see why Morgan Kane cant compete with the likes of the meents' and anderson's..... He beat them all in racing with Mopar Magic at Minneapolis one year and won freestyle at detriot last year.... If that doesnt qualify you as a soild world finals pick then I dont know what does. Its certainly better stats then that of over half the rest of the field. 

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After looking at the lineup this year I have come to the conclusion 32 trucks isn't enough, but at the same time is to many trucks. With only 32 trucks drivers like Steven Sims, Pablo Huffaker, Dan Rodoni, Lupe Soza etc. don't get to compete. 32 trucks is to many because instead of the 16-20 best drivers, we get the likes of Nichole Johnson, Chad Forture, Frank Kremel, and the #moremonsterjam guys who haven't done a stadium show all season. Either increase the driver count to 40+ or drop it back down to where is started 16-20. Im not saying Chad, Frank, and the #moremonsterjam guys aren't good drivers, but they can't compete with Anderson, Meents, Weenk, Bradshaw, etc. So Feld should either include everybody or exclude all but the best. The point series was a good idea and with a few tweaks, like points for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place, could be the future of Monster Jam.

The thing is, if we only have the drivers that can compete, by your terms, with Dennis and Tom, we get like 16 drivers tops. Many teams have been invited in the past but have had other commitments, or can't afford to run, and are unable to compete, so just because they weren't in it doesn't mean they weren't given the option. Having 32 trucks also allows monster jam to run two nights of full competition, whereas 40+ would start to really push time restraints.bSaying that since drivers can't compete with Dennis, Tom etc. doesn't work out because there really isn't 32 truck and driver combos that can. The point of the world finals is to be as big as can be, so cutting the field back down would be backtracking, which is the exact opposite of what Monster Jam wants, so we are stuck in this position for the immediate future I think. There could be some changes made to the lineup, I agree, but I don't think that the number slots is what need to change.

Fanboyism or whatever exists in the following paragraph, be warned:

Also Morgan can loveing compete. He has won against many of the biggest names in the sport in multiple large stadium shown in the past, and has had weeks of training over the summer. I honestly think Colton will be able to compete with everyone as well, considering he's pretty fearless in his truck, and his backyard is the FELD practice track (and he practiced a lot over the summer.) I don't mean to say you were calling them out or anything, but I wanted to throw it out there

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1 spot left, then the YGS Winner.  5 more Young Guns left to announce as well.


I did this last year, so I'll do it again this year.  Going to do live updates here during the event.



Also we will be doing another World Finals AIM Chat, so we can all get in together and talk during the event.  I don't know about anyone's plans for a video thing on Instasync or somewhere else, but for right now all I'm doing is an AIM Chat.

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