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Everything posted by CMDeerfoot

  1. Smol update post, finished versions of Lawson Station and NOS Energy along with the third truck from the CMD Customs paint shop called No Limit; said third truck has some paint edits and was put together by @Edy.
  2. First 2 NAMT open customs from myself and @iZonarYT, both will be included in the second NAMT truck pack; neither is 100% done but close enough to test out and fine tune.
  3. Name: Chadwick Deerfoot Discord: CMDeerfoot#5139 Truck: Pure Breed Download Link: Freestyle Song (YouTube Link): Year Debuted: 2012
  4. Name: Chadwick Deerfoot Truck (Chassis): Hall Bros Discord: CMDeerfoot#5139
  5. Chadwick Deerfoot Robo Dragon CMDeerfoot#5139
  6. Full Name: Chadwick Deerfoot Truck: Swamp Thing Hometown: Dallas, GA Discord Name: CMDeerfoot#5139 Years in Competition: 7
    It's good, just not as good as Deja Vu 2020 😃.
    Wambo working his magic once again.
    If this does turn out to be the last edition of Working Class, it's going out in style; excellent job Mark.
    Really impressive, simple and clean.
    the unholy beast has been unleashed upon the masses, and none of us were ready.
  7. Chadwick Deerfoot Robo Dragon (link tbp) CMDeerfoot#5139
  8. Chadwick Deerfoot CMDeerfoot#5139 Avenger
  9. nope, it's a new version of a custom truck i've ran many times over the years.
  10. It's a start, maybe this ole dawg still has some bite in him...
  11. In the back, same as the original Mr. Beardman. I went through and redid my CMD Racing Signature Series chassis to lower the center of gravity to update the original truck, but I decided to also use it on 2.0 and test out some other changes. The wheelbase will be significantly shorter than the original which is a change for me since I usually prefer longer trucks. Basically I'm trying to figure the optimal variation of my design through trial by fire, once I get it where I think it's gucci I'll release it to the public in the scrapyard section nodebeam included for anyone who may wanna use it.
  12. Little something I've been working on... #ThingsAreAboutToGetHairyAgain
  13. Been far too long since I've seen that name, good to see ya back no matter if it's on a regular basis or not. Some stuff has changed, moved to a newer version of ror (might move to the latest version once we have things sorted out with the new trucks we're making), and looking to expand out with more types of vehicles sometime soon hopefully. Here's hoping we might see ya run again in the future, even if it's just once in a blue moon.
  14. Not sure this site is "inactive" exactly considering stuff is regularly posted in various areas on here (including this train wreck of a thread), but that isn't the point that needs to be made here. The point that needs to be made is that this is quite possibly the most pointless thread ever posted, like there is literally zero reason for this thread to exist on this forum since the stupidity that occurred took place outside of this forum. And you think being called a pleb is bad, I've had every possible insult thrown at me in games and irl; stuff that would literally get you fired from a job. Granted these people shouldn't treat others like crap, but today's society is basically built around bullying others even though we're well aware of the potential consequences. Regardless of that, you all need to realize that you're having arguments over a video game that is supposed to be played to have fun and forget the troubles of the outside world for awhile. Please take a minute and try to realize just how much of a waste of time and energy it is to be fighting over pointless crap like this, and even more so to bring a private matter from a private group onto a public forum to try and gain some sort of sympathy or support for a situation that is beyond childish.
  15. Yeah I apologize for the wait, there were personal reasons for it but they're not important. I said I would fix it and I shoulda done it sooner. I also wanna apologize again for not saving the logos in the other folders, I swore I did but I guess I only worried about the directly related MT logos. I'll work on trying to get some things together and rebuild those other folders, and also be on the lookout for more made from scratch logos from myself and others.
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